Yes, I have been away for a bit, well most of the year. My time away I have been enjoying some days but mostly trying to figure things out...Not So Pleasant conversation. When I am in that place I will back away because I do not want this to be a negative release only. One day when I am ready to share I will. I will be flashback and post everything I have done while away. We took a couple of small vacations and a get away. Spent time with the grandchildren. We also worked a lot in our gardens. Please look forward to new post. I will also pick up on vacations past.
Many Blessings,
Jolene 🦋
I'm glad you're back to blogging and I really enjoy your pics on FB and IG. I hope you'll share some here too! - PS - One day when you're ready to share, we'll be here ready to listen. <3