As I have posted prior, I plan on Friday's Flashback post, re-posting vacations past. My original thought was to post in order but last night I came to a very surprised, breath taking, sad news, so I had to post about my Las Vegas trip. Facebook shares memories and I look. Yesterday I had a memory from Sarah she posted in 2010. She told me how much she loved me and thanked me for being there and supporting her. We have kept in touch with one another since 2007. Facebook, doesn't always show all of my friends and there have been times we may go 6 months without chatting with one another, the other will then reach out to one and we catch up again. When this memory popped up, I thought I have not heard from Sarah for awhile so I went looking. I was so shocked to see RIP on her page. I immediately had to research more. Her actual last post was 7/21/2021 I was on vacation then. On 7/23/2021 the next post about how much she will be missed. I had to find out what happened to my sweet friend Sarah. What I found broke my heart into pieces. Sarah had two children, the oldest was a Senior about to turn 18 and her son was 14 soon to be 15. Sarah was murdered, multiple shots by her husband who then committed suicide.
Oh sweet Sarah! What an awful way for you to leave us. You were such a caring person, full of kindness, so creative. A wonderful friend. I will miss you dear friend.
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