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Let me reintroduce myself. I just turned the good ol' double nickles on the 27th. I am a Senior Quality Assurance Analyst for a medical revenue recycle company, basically we work with medical providers and facilities to assist them with being paid either from insurance or the patient. Due to the pandemic I am working from home. I never thought I would enjoy working from home but I absolutely love it. I'm a daughter, a big sister, wife, mother, Nana, and a friend. I love God, to garden, and adventures with my husband.

I am married to the Mister for 13.5 years but we have been together this January for 17 years. He is my Prince Charming. This is our second marriage. The Mister is an Operation Manager for our County 9 1 1 Center. 

I have four boys. My oldest I will refer to as Matchu, he is 31. My second oldest, I will refer to as Doshie, he is 28 and lives in Florida. Next is my Eaterman, he is 25 and currently living in Johnston near my birth town. My baby, referred as NoNo, he is 22 and has recently moved out again. The Mister has two daughters, Sis is 34 and the mother of our oldest grandson Bugs (10 yo) and then there is Boof, who is 31 and the mother of the twins Buddy and Princess (4 yo) and Sissy (2 yo).

The Mister and I became empty nester recently Sis and Bugs had been living with us for nearly 2.5 years as well as NoNo. We have two kittens, born on July 4th. The sisters are Liberty (gray kitten) and Bella (dark kitten) they have provided so much laughter and keep me company after we lost our Callie in August.

Many Blessings,

Jolene 🦋


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